Strawberry Shortcake

This cake conjures images of sweet smelling scratch-and-sniff stickers from my childhood. I was obsessed with the cartoon character Strawberry Shortcake (anyone else remember her cute face!) and always loved asking mum to make me Strawberry Shortcake, while I imagined myself as a freckly little girl who smelt like strawberries.

I’m not sure mum knew this was why I requested this cake so often! But along with caramel slice and Dutch ginger cake, it was on high rotation for afternoon teas, garden parties and unexpected drop-ins. It’s quick and easy, uses pantry staples and it’s impossible not to love (just like the cartoon!).

125g butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1.5 cups self raising flour
250g Strawberry Jam
Whole blanched almonds & extra sugar for topping

Preheat the oven to 160C (fan-forced).
Melt the butter in a saucepan and mix in the sugar. Cool slightly then add the egg and mix well. Add the flour and mix together well using a wooden spoon.
Spread half the mixture in the base of a well-greased 20cm springform pan, pushing it down with your fingers to cover the base.
Spread the jam over this and then using your fingers, break off small pieces (about the size of a 10 cent piece) of the remaining mixture and drop them on top of the jam, overlapping slightly, until you’ve covered the jam.
Decorate the top with the almonds (or pistachios) in a circle around the edge, then sprinkle with extra sugar.
Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes, until golden. Cool in the tin before removing.
Serve with a strong cup of tea and a dollop of cream.

I will say that the quality of the jam plays a big part in the deliciousness of this cake and whilst of course I recommend you use The Dill Tickle, if we are out of stock, I urge you to use the best quality jam you can get your hands on!


Jam Drops


Risotto Primavera