Tablecloths & Talking with Camilla Thompson
This month’s Tablecloths and Talking chat is with the very clever Camilla Thompson from Good Plate Nutrition. I met Mill when I was living in Orange – in fact she was one of our bride’s when I was running events at Byng Street. She and her husband Thomo got married at Old Errowanbang Woolshed and it was a spectacular celebration! I do have a vague recollection of the generators breaking down mid way through service – lucky the groom was an electrician! I’ve since watched from afar as Mill followed her passion and launched Good Plate and I am constantly impressed with the quality of her food, her insta reels (!!) and her level of knowledge and commitment to helping people improve their health and wellbeing without compromising on the deliciousness of food. I loved Mill’s answers – we are definitely on the same wavelength when it comes to flavour!
Q: Introduce yourself and what you do.
A: First up I am an all round lover of the good life – as well as a nutritionist, PT and keen entertainer and cook. Creating meals and cooking is my love language. I have 2 little kids, Sonny (4) & Coco (2) who really keep me on my toes. Luckily they are pretty good little eaters.
I founded my business Good Plate Nutrition as I wanted to help people achieve their health goals and become the best version of themselves without having to compromise on good food and flavour – and without flogging themselves at the gym. You can’t out train a bad diet after all.
As well as addressing specific health concerns with a dietary & lifestyle approach, I support my clients to establish good habits and routine. I then build in an understanding of fresh produce, seasonality, flavour and meal composition - as well as finding the joy in meaningful movement. I’m here to support my clients to feel good every day, while improving their long term health outcomes.
I also have an electrical business with my husband Thomo which we’ve had here in Orange since we moved from Sydney in 2012. So I’ve got a bit on ;-) .
Q: What is your favourite Dill Tickle product and how do you use it?
A: Pickled Fennel – so versatile! I love to layer it into dishes to enhance flavour and health benefits. I’m thinking right now of a winter salad of three fennels – roasted fennel, thinly sliced fresh fennel & TDT pickled fennel – segments of blood orange and goats feta? The fronds as garnish and a citrussy, punchy dressing. Pair this with roast chook or pork and fennel sausage? No such thing as too much fennel. It’s in season right now and amazing!.
Yes or No…
Coriander? Yes.
Blue Cheese? Yes.
Pickles on a Burger? ALWAYS.
Egg Sandwich? Yes (with pickles?)
Q: What would your Last Supper be? And who would your dream guest be to join you for this finale?
Entrée… I’ll start with some freshly shucked natural oysters with a glass of French please – and then a slice of the comte tart from Hey Rosey that is just heaven (maybe it will be served in Heaven too?).
Main… I couldn’t go past a beautifully roasted chook – with crispy skin and loads of flavour. A crisp leaf salad (incuding fennel!) and smashed roast potatoes like my mum does. I once got nicknamed ‘The Colonel’ because I have a thing for chicken. It’s true love.
Dessert… A bitter chocolate tart and simple vanilla gelato.
Drink… A negroni – plus a bottle of Barbaresco. Because its my last supper I guess I can drink as much as I like.
And who would your dream guest be to join you for this finale?! Probably Anthony Bourdain!
Q: What do you bring when you’re told not to bring a thing?!
A: Funnily enough a jar of pickles!*
Q:What are your top 3 pantry must-haves/staples?
Extra virgin olive oil – Australian!
A really good vinegar – red wine vinegar is probably my pick.
Q: What is something that’s been sitting unused in your pantry for a while?
A: A tin of condensed milk. Thinking of making Dulce de Leche with it for a banoffee pie vibe dessert.
Q: What’s your comfort food or the one dish that always brings you joy?
A: Hand made pasta with a simple sauce – using pork sausage or similar.
Q: What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten?
A: This is impossible to answer. But a really memorable one was at a hole in the wall bar/restaurant in San Sebastian – once had the best (HUGE) piece of grilled rib eye, a tomato salad and focaccia – nothing fancy, nothing tricked up – just good food cooked to absolute perfection. So unassuming.
A quick 3…
Early Bird or Night Owl? Early bird.
Your kitchen tunes? Alabama Shakes, London Grammar, Frank Ocean, Leon Bridges & Justin Beiber.
Fave Cookbook? Alison Roman, Nothing Fancy**.
*A woman after my own heart!
** such a great choice Mill! This one sits on my faves shelf as well! I have a teensy crush on Alison!
Mill surrounded by fresh produce at the Orange Farmers Market.